রবিবার, ২৮ আগস্ট, ২০১৬

Engaging Youth in Violence Prevention

Conflict, violence, discrimination and exclusion cause suffering for millions of people across the world today. A report on WHO stated that each day, 4,200 people die from violence (1.6 million a year), more than 90 percent of them in low and middle-income countries. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15 to 44 years worldwide and most of them are youth. In recent years Bangladesh experienced increased socio-political and religion based violence, these results death of more than 600 people across the country. In 2015-16 political violence kills more than 150 and Islamic extremist kills 30 persons respectively. Victims and Criminals most of them were youth aged.

Though, Nationalism, Socialism, Democracy and Secularism are the four founding pillars of the constitution of Bangladesh, the recent attacks on ethnic, religious minorities and different political views people make us question its practice in reality. The question that may arise here is how we should instill social harmony in our society. As citizens of Bangladesh it is everyone’s responsibility to work for how we reinstall social harmony in our society.  To reinstall social harmony at society, at first we have to know, what are violence and its nature and responsible factors of violence, academic research after that we can take proper remedy measure of conflict resolution. The young population across the globe has reached a remarkable 1.8 billion out of 7.3 billion, and countries like Bangladesh (UNFPA-2014) is namely 47.6 million people. This young population is a blessing in the sense that it implies strength, energy, vigor, pool of work force and a full potential for future leadership. If we fail to grab this opportunity, this young population could create a disastrous hazard for the nation.

What is Violence?

“Physical force unlawfully exercised toward property and/or persons, causing or intending to cause damage or injury”.

"the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development, or deprivation"---- The World Health Organization

Youth Violence
The general term Youth Violence is used to describe when youth between the ages of 10 and 24 years intentionally use physical force or power to threaten or harm other people.
Youth violence can take different forms. Examples include fights, bullying, threats with weapons, and gang-related violence. Youth violence typically involves young people hurting other youth.
All communities and all young people are affected by youth violence. Specific types of youth violence vary across locations and groups, but no place or person is immune. Youth can face violence from their peers in their neighborhoods, on the streets, online, and at their schools. Regardless of where youth violence happens, the consequences are felt by everyone—young victims, their friends, families, neighbors, schools, communities, and local organizations.

Contributing Factors to Youth Violence

Individual Factors:
Past exposure to violence, impulsiveness, weak school/college achievement, poor problem-solving skills

Relationship Factors:
Peer delinquency, parental conflict, limited parental monitoring and supervision

Community Factors:
Residential instability, weak economic growth and stability, gang activity, crime

Societal Factors:
Norms about the acceptability of violence, limited education and economic supports and opportunities

Causes of  Violence in Bangladesh
Following the World Health Organization, youth are defined as people between the ages of 10 and 29 years in Bangladesh age between 18-35 years. Youth violence refers to violence occurring between youths, and includes acts that range from bullying and physical fighting, through more severe sexual and physical assault to homicide. Worldwide some 250,000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year, which is 41% of the total number of homicides globally each year (WHO-2008). Youth violence greatly increases the costs of health, welfare and criminal justice services; reduces productivity; decreases the value of property; and generally undermines the fabric of society.
The following four-level version of the ecological model is often used in the study of violence in Bangladesh;
  • 1  Biological and personal factors
  • 2  Close relationships
  • 3  Community context
  • 4  Broad societal factors

Biological and personal factors;
Biological and personal factors that influence how individuals behave and increase their likelihood of becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence
It includes; demographic characteristics (age, education, income), genetics, brain lesions, personality disorders, substance abuse.

Close relationships;
The second level focuses on Close relationships, such as those with family and friends. In youth violence, for example, having friends who engage in or encourage violence can increase a young person’s risk of being a victim or perpetrator of violence

Community context;
The third level explores the Community context—i.e., schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods. Risk at this level may be affected by factors such as the existence of a local drug trade, the absence of social networks, and concentrated poverty.

Broad societal factors;
Finally, the fourth level looks at the Broad societal factors that help to create a climate in which violence is encouraged or inhibited.

It includes- Social and cultural norms regarding gender roles or parent-child relationships, income inequality, the strength of the social welfare system, the social acceptability of violence, the availability of weapons, the exposure to violence in mass media, and political instability.

Consequences of Violence;

What role do youth currently play in violence prevention and response in Bangladesh;
Violence prevention is a joint responsibility of policy-makers, opinion-leaders and donors. The priority focus needs to shift from response to prevention and from collective violence to self-directed and interpersonal violence, such as gender-based violence or violence against children. Children and youth are disproportionately affected by violence, discrimination and exclusion and therefore need to become the focus of our attention and action.

Bangladeshi youth now play various roles on preventing violence at community such as;

By Volunteering;
Volunteering is at the heart of community building. Volunteering is an excellent way for an individual to become involved in the life of the community. It brings together people from different backgrounds, cultures and religions and helps to develop compassion and friendship, thereby fostering respect for diversity. Such as NGO’s are making supports in this regard. At YPSA under Leadership Development Program, youth leaders are organized at union level, they are now working on prevention violence at community.

By Community Based Organization;
Youth feel a sense of pride and usefulness, as they are able to actively contribute to their community. By Community Based Organization, youth playing a vital role on preventing violence at community. Such as at Sitakunda youth developed some community club, whose are working on prevent violence at community.
Example: Sabuj Pata Club, Muradpur, Sitakunda and Amaratu Amarai, Kumira, Sitakunda etc.

By Youth Campaign;
Youth Campaign plays a vital role on preventing violence at community. NGOs are now organizing youth campaign, where the discuss on harmful effect of violence, role of youth on preventing violence. In recently YPSA arranged a youth campaign, where major discussion issue is role of youth on preventing violence.

By Youth Dialogue and Discussion;
The promotion of inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue between youth creates an opportunity for people of different backgrounds to get to know each other and understand each other’s points of view. To consideration on above things, YPSA arranged a youth dialogue and discussion event under BD with me campaign, however, it’s a regular task of YPSA also other NGO in Bangladesh.

Through Cultural Performance;
For preventing violence at community, youths are organizing cultural performance at community through art, dance, theatre, folk song, music, digital stories and film festival. Under YPSA-Leadership Development Program, youth leaders are organizing various cultural performances for preventing violence at community.

Through Sports;
For preventing violence at community, youth are organizing various sports at community. It is now widely practiced at our community.

Through Social Media;
For preventing violence at community, youth are now using Social Media. Social media like facebook, twitter offers unprecedented opportunities to raise awareness against violence, to help users stay safe, and to inspire people to engage in social activism.

Example: At Sitakunda Youth are create a facebook page namely; Youth Leaders Forum of Sitakunda

Through Community Radio and mass media;
For preventing violence at community, youth community radio volunteer develop community radio talk show on youth, radio drama etc. These programs are broadcasting at community. In that regards community radio as Radio Sagor Giri Fm 99.2 and its youth volunteer play a vital role.

Values and skills based education;
Values and skills-based education is key to overcoming discrimination. Learning and cultivating open-mindedness and understanding will help us to accept those around us and to respect their differences. With self-reflection, we can identify our own biases and work to erase them by developing skills such as active listening, empathy, dropping bias and non-judgment.

Peer Education;
Promoting peer education, Youth are more receptive to learn from other youth instead of being ‘taught down to’ by adults. Peer education, therefore, favours exchange at a level of equality, trust and thought-provoking learning where solutions are explored and found together.

Respect of our diversity and equality;
Promoting respect for diversity at an early age can help to reduce future discrimination based on gender. This can have far-reaching impact by helping, more generally, to change stereotyped or perceived gender roles, thereby creating greater and more equal opportunities. It can also help to reduce gender-based violence of which gender inequality is a root cause.

Existing programs or initiatives that have worked on preventing violence;
For preventing violence, several government and non-government organization are working closely with youth:

- BLAST (Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust) is working very actively to provide necessary legal and other support services to youth victims through the implementation of court of arbitration.

- ACD (Action for Social Development) is working to stop violence against youth and girls as well as for their empowerment. They work for the victim of acid burns, trafficking, and sexual abuse. ACD has shelter homes, drop in centers, under privilege child care homes etc.

- WOMEN LAWYEARS CLUB is the venture of woman lawyers to ensure legal support for victimized women free of cost. It provides legal aid and mediation sessions between the women and the perpetrator.

- OCC (ONE STOP CRICIS CENTER) is an organization operating 24 hours a day to provide women any kind of help including medical aid if wounded, shelter if insecure, counseling if frightened or confused and legal aid. In short, woman in crisis can access safe and secure help when needed.

- Jatio Mohila Odhidoptor, Mohila Porisod and Aaingoto Sohayota Songstha are government organizations which generally arrange for the settlement of victims.

-Democracy International, Bangladesh is an INGO is working very actively on preventing violence at Bangladesh, as BD with me campaign.

- Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)  is an NGO is working very actively on preventing violence at Bangladesh, as Community Legal Services for Access to Justice Project, BD with me campaign also others activity under various program and using Community Radio as Radio Sagor Giri FM 99.2
- BD with me Campaign;
A public awareness campaign to highlight tolerance, build unity & seek peaceful alternatives to violence supported by partnership of Bangladeshi & International NGOs as Democracy International, Bangladesh, ANUVAB FOUNDATION, AVAS, OVA, ELLMA, YPSA, Jaago Foundation, Barendra Unnayan Prochesta, Speed Trust, PROTASHA, ASUB, RUPANTAR, YPSA, NABOLOK, PABNA PROTISHROTI, USS


On preventing violence and conflict resolution, several government and non-government organization are working closely with youth. Violence is socially organized, it should be preventing socially. So, youth can play a vital role.  Consequences, youth can make a peaceful country.


- BBS. (2011), “Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics”, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

- Bangladesh Economic Review. (2012), “Bangladesh Economic Review”, Economic advisor wing, Finance division, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

- Banglapedia.( 2003),  “National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh”, Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

- Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. (2011), Dhaka, Bangladesh and Calverton, Maryland, USA: National Institute of Population Research and Training, Mitra and Associates, and Macro International.

- Nurun Nabi, (2011), "Demographic Trends in Bangladesh", Department of Population Sciences University of Dhaka, Dhaka

- Centre for Policy Dialogue. Bangladesh (2014), “Analytical Review of Bangladesh’s Macroeconomic Performance in Fiscal Year 2014-Second Edition”, IBRD.

- Unnayan Onneshan, (2010), “Bangladesh Economic Update: Inflation, Unemployment and Growth Trajectory”, Volume.1. No 4, October 2010.

- Department of Youth Development. (2013), “Activities of the Department of Youth Development”, Ministry of Youth and Sports (www.dyd.gov.bd), Dhaka

- Heise, Lori L. (2011), "What works to prevent partner violence: An evidence overview", STRIVE Research Consortium, UK

-Promoting a culture of non-violence and peace, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2011

- World report on violence and health: summary. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2002

-Abbey A, Zawacki T,Buck PO etal (2001). Alcohol and sexual assault. Alcohol Health and Research World, 25(1):43–51

- David-Ferdon C, Simon TR. Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action. Atlanta,

GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014

Useful Web links:
- http://unfpabgd.org/index.php?option=page&id=132&view=press&Itemid=999

রবিবার, ১০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

Abdus Sabur Life Story

Abdus Sabur is a Young Development Professional and self ICT Entrepreneur. He is a graduate of University of Chittagong, where he received Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree in Geography and Environmental Studies with sound result. Sabur has ten years excellent professional experience in all phases of Project Development and Implementation Cycle.  He also works as a freelancer. Now, he has been seeking opportunities to develop CAD/GIS work, 3D modeling through Revit, Graphic Design, Web Development and Digital Marketing through SEO from the field level to final touching of your business or research. 

Mr. Sabur was born on a new moon night in September 26, 1981 in Comilla. The day of the week was Saturday. Now he is 34 years old .He grew up in Sylhet, Feni and Chittagong districts, due to his father job purposes. His fathers was a banker but not live. His mother is a housewife. He has two brothers and one sister and he is younger soon of his family. No he lives in Dhaka, with his family. He got married in 2011 and has a three years old lovely daughter and he has do anything for her kids and family.

Childhood Story
Childhood memories are influential and memorable for all. Mr. Sabur childhood stories are adorable. He has many unforgettable infancy stories. As he was grew up in many districts, as he got chance to take flavor of different culture and mix with different areas buddy. He had a carefree morning playing video games, riding bicycle, swimming, soccer and cricket. Once he was serious injured at soccer field, finally he has to admitted at hospital. Which is most memorable also hurtful memories in his childhood.

Academic Story
Mr. Sabur started school when he was five years old at Sylhet. He completed elementary education from Shaktala Government Primary School at Comilla. Then he attended Ibn Taimia School and completed Secondary School Certificate under Comilla Education Board with Star Marks. After he admitted Comilla Victoria Government College and passed successfully Higher Secondary Certificate Examination at 1999. Finally, he received Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degree from the University of Chittagong in 2008 and 2009 respectively with distinction marks and hold first position.

Capacity Development Story
Certificate Receiving from IBA, Dhaka University
Mr. Sabur has started learning research and development based technology (as Geographical Information System- GIS) from undergrad education and have taken some exclusive training on Leadership Development to enrich the capabilities and after academic period he also taken  various training on Information Technology Enable Service and ICT related as Certificate Course on GIS and Remote Sensing, Graphic Design,  Web Programming, Basic in AutoCAD and Advance in Autodesk Revit etc. Recently he also received a professional course on Leadership and Change Management from IBA, Dhaka University. Now he has been improving himself as working with current profession.

Publication Story
Mr. Sabur has fascination on research and publication. He is a regular writer in his blog Abdus SaburFor research delusion he has so many articles and publications in national and international platforms. His major publication are listed bellows.
  1. Sabur, M. A. (2009), “Solid Waste Management in Chittagong City: A Case Study of Residential Areas”, Unpublished M.S. thesis, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Chittagong, Chittagong.
  2. Sabur, M. A. and Ali, K. B. (2009), “Water logging in Comilla town: A Geo-environmental Study” Journal of Geo environment, Vol 9, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi
  3. Sabur, M. A. and Rahman, M. M. (2010), “Who remains neglected? Community actions in residential waste management of Chittagong city” Published at 2nd International Conference on Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, was held 13 to 15 February at Department of Civil Engineering, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh. [Please follow the link, Paper ID 146]
  4. Sabur, M. A. and Rahman, M. M. (2011), “GIS Based Analysis of Health Care Services: A Case Study In the City of Comilla, Bangladesh”, Abstract Accepted at 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2011) in Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), Taiwan.
  5. Sabur, M. A. and Arifur, M. R. (2015),”Tobacco and Health: A Youth Perspective” Social Change: A Journal for Social Development (ISSN :1997-938X), Vol 5, No 1 YPSA, Pp 72-85.
  6. Sabur, M. A. (2009), “Climate change and Bangladesh” The Daily Star, Letters to the editor, Dated: June 26, 2009.
  7. Sabur, M. A. (2009), “Global Warming and Bangladesh” The Daily Star, Letters to the editor, Dated: July 27, 2009. 
  8. Sabur, M. A. (2009), “Landslides in Chittagong” The Daily Star, Letters to the editor, Dated: July 17, 2009.
  9. Youth Leadership Development and Empowerment through ICT, A Training Manual, Published by Counterpart International, November 2015. www.counterpart-leadershipbd.org
Contributor in Training Manual Development
Leadership Story
Mr. Sabur launched his carrier in Geographical Solution Research Center (GSRC), Dhaka as a GIS Data Analyst,  where he began his specialization in Spatial Database Management, Digitization and Map lay out preparation.

That eventually led to a four year contract with A Dutch Bangladeshi IT Company namely HawarIT Data Services Limited and position as CAD/GIS Analyst. It was in this capacity he worked on GIS application development, 3D modeling in Architectural, Revit work,  Designing work also Business Development.

Soon afterward, his expanding expertise in  Leadership Development Program mainly on youth focuses which was implemented by  Counterpart International and financed by USAID. Now he has been working BLAST-YPSA Consortium, YPSA-Community Legal Services for Access to Justice Program, which was Implemented by Community Legal Services and funded by UKaid. His responsibility as Program Coordinator.

YouthAiD arranged a Free Health Campaign

Sabur also a founding member of YouthAiD and DADO. Also working as a United Nations Online Volunteer. In YouthAiD  where he work on volunteerism and make action and plan for community and youth development. As he realized that Youth are the future, they have to empower and should engage in mainstream of development by ICT training and than come in entrepreneurship. Aftermath he formed YouthIT at 2014, which is now working for Youth Leadership Development and Empowerment through the uses of ICT.

Honors & Awards Story
Mr Sabur honored as best employee award at HawarIT Data Services in 2012, due to best performance and leadership. He also awarded at University Scholarship in 2007, for distinction marks at graduate program. He was attend Global Youth Forum at Myanmar in 2015, with the invitation of ActionAiD Myanmar.

Mr. Sabur interested on Information and Communication Technology,  Adventure, Travel, Volunteer Services, Social Work, Music, Movie, Community Mobilization, Leadership Development, Legal Education etc.

Mr. Sabur expertise on, Project Implementation and Coordination, Web Programming and Design, Graphic Design, Business Communication, Digital Marketing, SEO , Community Mobilization, Humanitarian Services,  Mediation, Common Legal Issue,  Youth Action, Advocacy, PRA tools, Small Grants, Local Government, Democracy, Good Governance, Training, Facilitator, GIS, Remote Sensing, Statistical Analysis etc.

What’s outlook on the future story
The year 2018 will make thirty six years old since Mr. sabur has developed his self as a Young ICT Entrepreneur. He will established YouthIT for empowering Youth and empowerment for youth. He believes YouthIT will be a hub of total digital solution and enriching digital Bangladesh.

You can reach him at;
Cell: 01711025096
mail: youthit.info@gmail.com/ sabur.bd01@gmail.com
skype: sabur.cu.ge10